Heat recuperators


Paint plants are significant consumers of thermal energy, primarily used to heat fresh air and dry coatings. A large portion of this thermal energy is lost through the extracted air. To minimize heat loss, we employ high-efficiency heat recuperators from leading global manufacturers, enabling us to recover up to 90% of thermal energy. This not only reduces the energy required for heating but also lowers the amount of flue gases released into the environment.


The air extracted from painting equipment often contains pollutants such as solid particles (from powder coatings) or solvents (from synthetic varnish applications). To address this, we use advanced filtration systems and materials that minimize the release of particulate matter into the environment. Additionally, solvents released during synthetic varnishing are effectively captured and removed from the exhaust air through activated charcoal filters.


SOP international d.o.o.

Cvetkova ulica 27, 1000 Ljubljana



Vrbina 14, 8270 Krško


tel  +386 7 490 25 80
email  info@sop-international.si


Working time

Mon – Fri: 07:00 – 15:00
